Welcome Mama Brain Designs!

Love of Learning


Discover a Love of Learning in your current hobbies or new ones. Crafty goodies that have earned their spot in my toolkit because, yes, I tried them all first or they are on my List of wants wishes and desires! This is your go-to space for exploring yours and my latest obsessions in the world of knitting, embroidery, hand-sewing, and all the other creative hobby rabbit holes I’ve delved into this week.

From YouTube videos that we can walk through together to Pinterest pins that spark joy, and even projects where I’m blissfully making things up as I go along—because, let’s be real, I’m no expert, just a passionate beginner with and strong Love of Learning and Probably some sort of long term attention issue.

So, if you’re looking for some fun ideas, keep reading! There are no tutorials here, just a whole lot of messy, magical experimenting and a good dose of humor but humble beginnings, along the way. Want to know what tools and supplies I’m using or I can not live without? Don’t worry, I’ve got links to almost everything I use or wear daily, so you can try them out for yourself. Whether you’re here for some creative inspo or to laugh at my crafty mishaps, you’re absolutely in the right place. I’m even throwing in what I’m wearing Mom-a-form wise so we can be comfy functional together.